Tuesday 8 April 2008

I wish I lived in Canada

yes I know South Park told us all they do strange things to their uncles but they give out free cupcakes so I can forgive any odd shenanigans they've got going on with their family!
If this starts happening in London I'll have to borrow a friends child to take along!

On April 19, CVK, along with McKinnon Photography and the Sugar Heads gourmet cupcakes invite you to our first Today Party.

This FREE event is going to be great fun - where families jump in and decorate cupcakes (each kiddo gets two) together and then jump out into the community to share those cupcakes with someone special as a Today Present. We’ll have cupcakes available (at a nominal charge) for eating too.

The Today Party/Present theme is all about bringing us together as a community to share, encouraging a sense of giving with kiddos and, of course, having a great time!!!

Full story here. And if I were to go I could visit Sugar Heads who are helping arrange this - they look rather fancy!

Thanks to Cupcakes Take The Cake for the info - although now I'm a bit pouty as I want free cupcakes!


  1. A chocolate cupcake that fits in MY hand like that would rule :)

  2. Thank you, thank you for the link to us. We'll make sure to stick a cupcake in the mail just for you!:)

    Robin Rivers
    Comox Valley Kids

  3. So cool that you picked up on our little event.


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