Friday 21 March 2008

Good Friday cupcakes

and when I say good, I mean GREAT! They were just the cutest things I ever saw and they tasted absolutely superb! Once again Peggy's Cupcakes stand up to the taste test! And I don't think I've seen a cuter Easter cupcake ...yet! Tomorrow I'm picking up my Crumbs and Doilies Easter box and maybe taking a wander to another cupcake emporium so we shall see!

Mine was the pink one above and the blue one I bought for Manny but he hasn't tried it yet - if he takes much longer I may just scoff it myself! I just love the way the little bunny is poking out of the frosting! Its so cute you nearly don't want to bite its head off :)
I also took some pics of the Stall in Greenwich market ....aren't the cupcakes just adorable??!!! Definitely some of the prettiest cupcakes available in London and some of the yummiest too!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, mine was lovely, thank you sweetheart xxx


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