Wednesday 19 March 2008

Cupcakes and pampering!

So a few weeks ago I stumbled across Cupcake spa's website, a spa in Wandsworth for yummy mummys to take their little darlings to - the site is ever so cute and cupcake friendly (they reckon they serve the BEST cupcakes in their cafe..hmmm). However, I was rather perturbed to see just because I've not given birth I can't join their beautifully named spa, but quite frankly passing something the size of a melon through my ladygarden is something even I'm not willing to do for a spa named cupcake! So I was rather chuffed to learn that the Cowshed spa has no such membership criteria and you can pop in any time for a pedicure and even better you can have cupcakes in their cafe! Sounds much more civilised to me and no stitching in unmentionable places!! I must try and drag Manny along one Sunday so we can sit in big leather chairs having pedicures and stuffing our faces with cupcakes :) Bliss!

Now how on earth do I get my hands on a Cupcake cupcake? I hate it when there are cupcakes out there I cannot try :(


  1. I'll come and get my hoofs sorted and have a cupcake with you :)

  2. Hello from Cupcake Mum! Our spa is open to non-members and non-mums- and we would love to welcome you to indulge in a fabulous treatment & promise a very yummy cupcake at the end. Do ring us on 0208 875 1065.


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