Wednesday 12 March 2008

Cupcake tour - Hummingbird Bakery

After a good stomp down the Kings Road (past where me and Manny got married on Halloween 2001!) we finally arrived at The Hummingbird Bakery ready for some food after a good walk. From the outside it looked super cute and walking in...I felt how I imagine Charlie felt when he first walked into the chocolate factory - I was in CUPCAKE HEAVEN!! We ordered some cupcakes (obviously!) - a pink vanilla for me and a double chocolate for Manny, grabbed a seat and waited for our coffees before tucking in - and it was like torture sitting there while they made our drinks with a gorgeous looking cupcake sitting in front of me - I swear I could hear it saying "eat me, EAT ME"!! After what seemed like an eternity, which was probably in fact about 3minutes, our lovely cappuccinos arrived and finally I could tuck in and good grief it was worth the wait!! UTTERLY gorgeous frosting, lovely batter/cake and just fabulous - one of the best I've tried.
They were so good as soon as he'd finished Manny joined the queue again to get us a take out - a red velvet for me and a frosted brownie for him - which we had for breakfast on Sunday!!! The place was really busy but the staff were ultra friendly and helpful and seemed to really love their jobs - then again who wouldn't love to work in a cupcake store!!!!!? The other cakes in there looked great too - and Manny couldn't help but notice how generous the slices were (he was drooling over a giant devils food cake!).
Definitely one to visit again, and again, and again......truly cupcaketastic!

1 comment:

  1. Just looking at that brownie is making me hungry, we have to go back there again soon!! That was such a lovely day out xxx


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