Wednesday 13 February 2008

Lolas Valentine Cupcakes - day 2

I could not manage to eat all my lovely Valentines cupcakes yesterday so after a walk all the way home from work today (in all I walked over 17,000 steps including from Angel,Islington to New Cross..go me!) I treated myself to a lovely cup of tea and my second cupcake! This one was definately one of THE best cupcakes I've ever had.

It was a lovely surprise to peel back the paper to reveal a lovely carrot cake cupcake with some pecan nuts in it - it was SUBLIME! It was sooooo good I wanted to marry it I tell you! (I could've given it the cupcake ring!!). The pink frosting was just gorgeous - it melted in my mouth and was not in the slightest bit sickly (which some frosting can be) I could've eaten a big bowl of the frosting easily!! This is perhaps the reason I need to diet!!!

Definately one of the best cupcakes I've ever eat...go Lola's Kitchen and go Manny for buying them for me.

Note: this pink cupcake wasn't one of Lolas valentines range - there were only 3 available and Manny couldn't face only buying 3 cupcakes so choose another for me and knowing me totally he choose the pinkest one, with glitter :)

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