Tuesday 12 February 2008

Daisy Bakes Cake Shop Greenwich - first visit (of many to come!!)

[Please note: these posts are not necessarily in date order - nor have I just suddenly visited all these cupcake shops in the last few days - this is my first attempt at a blog and I decided to update all the shops I've visited in the last few weeks/months that I have pics of - I do love to take pics of my cupcakes before eating them!!!!]
Whilst browsing cupcake sites at work at the end of January I found mention of a cupcake store in Greenwich, which is about 1/2 an hour walk away from my house (I think of everything in walking now that I walk most places..no more "its a bus ride away"!). I was disheartened to read that they dont serve cupcakes on weekends and kept meaning to get there in the week but it was impossible to sneak out of work early enough that week! However after a bit of a stomp round Greenwich park on the Sunday after a row with Manny I thought I'd just peek in and see the store and thankfully their website was lying and there were cupcakes!!!! My mood lifted at the sight of such beautiful cupcakes and I immediately had to buy a couple (including one for the aforementioned Manny - I was still in a sulk with him but even then I couldn't deny him such a lovely treat as a cupcake!) I opted for the vanilla (my favourite!) and got Manny a red velvet as they seemed to be quite romantic and cute (my friend from the states tells me that these are THE valentine cupcake!)

These cupcakes were UTTERLY gorgeous - some of the best I've had in the UK for sure. The cakes were really nice and light and the frosting was nice and not too sweet! I'm sooo happy this is within walking distance of my house -although I'm not sure that this is good for my diet..but if I walk there and back its an hours walk so therefore good for me..and calories consumed after excercise dont count :)

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