Sunday 17 February 2008

Cupcake-tastic weekend - continued

Sunday I went for another long walk in the park again - its the best place round here for walking and Sundays in New Cross is very busy due to the abundance of hand-clapping churches we have so its always a good idea to avoid the area. After a good stomp around the park, where I FINALLY saw the deer up close!, I went a different route so as to completely avoid the tempation of Daisy Bakes, however I popped into the antique market for a quick look around and unknowingly walked straight into temptation...a cupcake stall!! I just couldn't resist as I realised it was Peggy's Cupcakes stall which I'd previously bought from when it was in the covered market area a few weeks ago! These really are delicious cupcakes - and so pretty and cute! I got a pink one for me and a blue one for Manny and after walking home tucked into mine with a lovely hot cup of tea! I adore this keep fit malarkey :)

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