Wednesday 27 February 2008

Another cupcake-tastic website is an absolute treasure trove of cupcake items! I found that typing "cake" into their search rather than cupcake threw up pages of fabby goods including canvases of cupcakes, cupcake mugs (by Showler and Showler - if you order a mug you get a free cupcakes greeting card as well!!), cupcake oven gloves and lots of cupcake tea cosies (seemed to be lots of them!) I particularly liked the knitted cupcakes - I've seen these online a lot and I just think they're v.cute - maybe I should learn to knit :) I also liked the little cupcake shopper bag - so you can be kind to the environment and cute at the same time! fabulous :)


  1. Thank you for the Showler and Showler mug mention, your blog is great!

  2. Hi Hannah
    Thanks for your comment, it's much appreciated - the mug is really pretty :)


Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!